How to set up a Runtime

To create a Runtime, you will need to create an Integration, Application and an Environment. If you have not created  some of these, please see the guide “How to set up an Integration“, “How to set up an Application” and “How to set up an Environment” for more information.


Go to the menu, open “Application” and select the “Runtime” tab

If you have not made any Runtime, you will see an empty page.


Click on "Create"

Once you click on "Create", you will see a list of Applications you have created before.


Select the Application you would like to deploy


Click on "Next"

1. Select a branch. The branches are synched with the repo you have selected from your Integration.

2. Select a protocol for the health check of the Application. Currently, we offer TCP.

3. Select an Environment where you would like to deploy the Application.

If you want to create a new Environment here, you can click on “Set up an Environment” and type in the name of the Environment.

You can use lowercase, numbers and dash, but spaces and special symbols are not allowed.


Click on the "Next"


Add custom tasks to your Pipelines (optional)

This is a collection of tasks that are executed before and after the deployment of the Application. This step is optional.

If you don’t want to use Custom Pipelines, skip this step.

If you would like to run a task before deployment, add the task to “Before Deploy.”  If the task needs to be executed after the deployment, add the task to “After Deploy.” These tasks get executed in the order you entered in this form.


Click on “Create”

It might take up to a few minutes for the Application to be deployed.

All set! You've created a Runtime!


You can see the timeline of the Runtime that is being created

While the Runtime is created, you can see the metrics and logs on the right side of the page and the Runtime’s status is “Pending.”

When you create a Runtime, the platform automatically generates a CloudFlare Origin Certificate Authority (Origin CA) as well as a URL.

Once a Runtime is created successfully, you can see the icon changes to “Running”, click on the URI to see the deployed Runtime.

Using the tabs, you are able to see Details, Metrics, Logs and Pipelines of the Runtime.

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