In Cuemby Platform, you can invite Users of your Organization to collaborate. To invite Users to an Organization, you need to set up an Organization. Please refer to How to create an Organization and How to create a Project.
Select the Project
Before you start, make sure that you are in the right Organization which you are inviting other Users to.
Go to "Users" page
Let's select the organization in the menu.
If you have not invited any User, you will see an empty page.
Click on “Invite”
Complete the User information
Enter the e-mail and role. Make sure that you are in the right Organization.
After you fill out the information, click on “Invite"
Great! We have successfully invited a new User!
The User that you have invited will receive an email:
The invited User needs to click on “Go to dashboard” in the e-mail and the organizations will appear on the home page.